Energy Angel - a deeper understanding

Deeper down the rabbit hole

What is it?

The Energy Angel is a beautiful mixture of science and spirituality, that can be used as a tool to help you keep focus in this ever-changing world.

In this universe that we live in, there are four constants, matter, energy, space, and a tumultuous sea of change.

Everything changes from moment to moment and as beings, in this constant flux, it is difficult to keep focus.

Focus is very important when attempting to reach any goals in your life.


The Science Part

The Subconscious Mind

The Science part has to do with the subconscious mind.

There are several good books that you can read that have the science about the subconscious mind. I can suggest a couple below.

Think and Grow rich by Napoleon Hill.

Change your Paradigm Change Your Life by Bob Proctor

I suggest you read these to obtain a more in-depth explanation of how the subconscious mind works.

However, here are the basics.

The subconscious mind is very powerful. It controls what you do, underneath your conscious radar.  It determines how your life pans out.

Your subconscious has been programmed between the ages of 0 to 7 years. Who you are going to be, has already been decided by the messages communicated to your subconscious mind and by your environment.

Your parents, social status, family and friends, TV, music a thousand and one factors telling you who you are.

It is only when your conscious mind forms that you, are able to reject ideas that you don’t agree with.

Have you ever wondered why it is that some people are successful in certain areas and not in others?

I was not a very good reader; I did not enjoy reading. My reading was very slow, and until recently have not been able to read comfortably for long periods of time without falling asleep.

My wife reads for fun, I used to think that was weird. She reads avidly and loves doing so.

Looking at our upbringing, I can see why this has happened.

My parents do not enjoy reading. To them reading was something they were made to do at school, and looked at it as something that you do only if you have to. I absorbed this idea and have only recently found pleasure in reading. It took constant focus and effort to do this.

My wife’s parents read quite a bit. She was always read a bedtime story and her mother and father have a love of books that she has absorbed.

So, when she reads, she enjoys what she is doing, and reading is something that she loves to do.

This translates to all kinds of behaviours in our lives.

There is an old adage from Aristotle that says, “Give me a child until he is seven and I will show you the man”.

Something that has been common knowledge for many years but until some recent study, the why was not known.

The why, is the subconscious mind and how it is programmable with the ideas that it has taken on board. It uses these ideas to tell us who we are.

Does this mean that once this happens, that is it? Do we have to put up with what we have been given? Is this who we are for life?

Thankfully No! It is this very same fact that the subconscious is programmable, is also our saviour. We can reprogram our own subconscious.

Reprogramming the Subconscious

Studies have shown that it is the repeated message charged with emotion that programs our subconscious.

This mind cannot differentiate between what is real and what is not. It accepts and records everything that it is given. When you were a child your conscious mind wasn’t fully formed and every idea sent to your subconscious was accepted without question.

So, for seven years 24 hours a day, seven days a week 365 days a year, every message from your environment went straight into your subconscious.

We can use techniques to take charge of this process. If we introduce a repeated emotionally charged message into our environment, and focus on it, our subconscious will take it on board.

Finding a good Transformational Therapist is also a way of helping you to do this as they have tools and techniques to do this with you.

Commitment and Focus

So, you can imagine that amount of commitment, focus and time it would take to input a different program in there, of your own creation.

Suggested Reading “Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill

This book will go into a lot more detail and be able to explain so much better than I.

He asks you to create an agreement with yourself, in the form of an affirmation, that is repeated everyday with focus and emotion.

This can take a good six months to really start to kick in, so you have to be dedicated and focused.

The Spirituality Bit

The other concept that works in line with this process is how you can allow the universe to work for you. It is the BE, DO, HAVE, concept.

This is not science as such but deals with what is believed philosophically and spiritually about the physical universe.

Mostly in our world today we are told that if we go out and work hard, we will get what we want, and become the person we need to be in the process.

BE, DO, HAVE, switches that around.

That is BE the person that you choose to be.

DO what that person does.

Then you can HAVE what that person has.

For example, if you want to have professional guitar playing skills,

BE a professional guitar player.

DO what a professional guitar player does

And you will HAVE professional guitar playing skills.

BE, DO, HAVE, are the three parts of what is called the Triune.

This literally translates to three in one.

In religion it is called the holy trinity. – Father Son and Holy Ghost

In philosophy and spirituality – Mind, Body and Spirit – Thought, Word and Deed – Mental, Physical and Spiritual.

These are the three things that you need to consider what formulating any plan that will help you to manifest what you create for yourself in this universe.

If you use them correctly you can manifest literally anything and you have been, unconsciously, doing this for a very long time.

Again, for a more in depth understanding of what I am saying have a read or listen to the series Conversations with God by Neale Donald Walsch.

He gives a in depth, common sense explanation of this very concept.

So, creating what you want in your life is possible, and once you understand the concepts you will become the master of your own destiny.

However, this will take focus and commitment over time.


Planning Your Journey

  1. You will need to sit yourself down and figure out, (if you haven’t already) what it is you want to achieve and give yourself a good year to do it. Maybe more, depending on the size of the goal.
  2. Write out a declaration of main purpose(See Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill). Sign it and commit to saying it out loud every day. Also, doing what you have agreed to do in exchange for what you want to have or achieve.
  3. Visualise yourself already having what it is you desire involve emotion and as many senses as you can.
  4. BE the person you need to be, DO the things that you need to everyday in order to HAVE what that person has.
  5. Build the habit of reviewing your activities daily. Looking at how you can improve your processes and build the habits of that successful person.

The path for achieving what you set for yourself has been set out by people better than I and the Energy Angel has been created to help as a companion to these techniques.


Strength of focus can be built. Meditation is one way we can build this.

Any of the techniques above would be useless without focus. Focus is about holding a stable point with your mind and keeping it there.

As said before, at the start of the article, the universe is changing moment by moment. This will often break your focus. Life will happen and you MUST, focus on other things in order to navigate through life.

It is hard to bring yourself back on track and we often lose ourselves in the sea of life and forget what we are striving for.

The Energy Angel is used as a tool to help you to keep focus in a very simple way.

When you order the Energy Angel you will get access to the Main Purpose Template based on the Napoleon Hill version. There will be 2 boxes to sign at the bottom of the page.

  • Sign both of these boxes and cut out one of them in a special ritual that I will outline below.
  • Tightly roll and slip it into the copper tube in order top build the heart of the angel.

Then you can wear it, as I do, or you can put it somewhere in your work or home environment where you will always be able to see it.

So, every time you see it you are reminded of the agreement you have made and this will give you renewed focus.

The Energy Angel is very subtle but very powerful.

Please message us from the contact page to order an energy angel.